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Best Time to Visit Yinchuan

Yinchuan City is the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, a national historical and cultural city, and one of the important central cities in the Northwest. Although Yinchuan is a capital city of a province in China, it is not as known as those capital cities in West China, such as Urumqi, Lanzhou, Hohhot, Chengdu, Xian, ect. Actually there are many tourism resources in Yinchuan. So when people plan to visit Yinchuan, they may want o know when is the best time to visit? Is there any tips for travel to Yinchuan?

When is the Best Time to Visit Yinchuan?

Yinchuan is located on the interior plateau in Northwest China, just in the arid climatic zone. Yichuan has distinct four seasons. The climate feature in this area is dry, windy and sandy. The rainfall in Yinchuan is very low all the year round. The average temperature here is around 8℃-9 ℃. Therefore, the best time to visit Yinchuan is from May to October every year. During this period, tourists could meet some local festivals.

What Local Festivals are There in Yinchuan?

Huaer Festival (花儿会)
Time: The fourth, fifth and sixth lunar month
"Huaer" is a folk song that has been circulated in the vast areas of Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia. It is known as the soul of the Great Northwest and a national-level human intangible cultural heritage and a symbol of national unity. During the festival, local people will climb mountain and sing in antiphonal style. All the songs are extemporized with the flavor of local life and rich local style. Huaer festival is also a good occasion for young men and young women to know each other.

China International Motor & Motorcycle Tourism Festival(中国银川国际汽车摩托车旅游节)
Time: Every Summer or Autumn
China International Motor & Motorcycle Tourism Festival is regarded as the biggest event for motor in Asia. During the festival, drivers from all over the world take part in the racing competitions. Except Rally racing, Cross-country racing, Court-chasing racing, there are also many cultural activities and performance during the festival.

Yinchuan International Yellow River Culture Festival(银川国际黄河文化节)
Time: Middle of September
Yellow River is the mother river of China. Well Ningxia Province has a closer bond with Yellow river as it is just located at the bank of Yellow River. Therefore, a characteristic Yellow River Culture is formed in this area. During the festival, tourists could enjoy the featured landscape of Northwest China and Chinese Muslim Culture. Tourists could see minority singing and dance performance, folklore culture, acrobatic, featured Qingqiang Opera and some calligraphy & painting exhibition as well as trade fair during this festival. The festival often lasts for 10 days.

What to Pack for a Visit to Yinchuan?

According to the dry, windy and sandy weather condition and the suggested traveling time, summer and autumn clothing is necessary. If traveling to Yinchuan in October, tourists need to pack some winter clothing as the temperature difference between day time and night is large. Brightly colored rain-proof coat with smooth surface is a good choice as it is convenient, easy to wash and dry and it is also hard to absorb dust in the wind. Colorful clothing is also good for taking picture in Northwest China.

A pair of suitable hiking shoes, hats, sunglasses and sunscreen lotion is also necessary for this trip to Yinchuan


1. As Yinchuan is in inland of China, it is hot with strong ultraviolet rays in the day time. Besides, the temperature difference between day time and night is large. We suggest tourists bring enough warm clothing as well as water bottle, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen lotion when travel to Yinchuan

2. It is windy and sandy in this area. Please protect your camera against the sands.

3. As it is dry in Yinchuan, we suggest tourists prepare enough water and fruits to keep a fit.

4. Most of the local food is Halal food. Therefore, there aren't many choices on food. Besides, due to the limited natural condition, the restaurants and hotels during the trip will not as good as those in developed area. Tourists should be ready to accept it.

5. Yinchuan is Muslim settlement. Avoid talking about pig or other religion topic.

6. Due to the high altitude in Ningxia, tourists who suffer hypertension, heart disease, tracheitis,asthma might feel dizzy, heart-beat fast, short of breath, gasping, ect when they first arrive in Yinchuan. It is better to prepare for some medicine in advance. It is better to check with your doctor when you decide to travel to highland and do a physical examination before the trip.

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