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A Winter Skiing Tour to Harbin and Yabuli Ski Resort

Post Time: Mar 04 2015 By Sophie Huang

This is my first trip to Harbin, a city called Small Eastern Paris. And also, it is my first time to ski. As a person grew up in southern China, the snow world is an forgettable memory in my life.

Although it is a fantastic world for people who haven’ seen a world of white snow, in the begin of this blog, I need to firstly list some tips for protecting the coldness there.

♦ What to wear
1. Down coat and a North Face jacket are necessary
2.Cashmere is also necessary. And if your luggage bag is big enough. Put a down vest inside. A woolen trousers should be put in.
3.Mountaineering warm shoes, skiing glove, warm hat

------Day 1 Harbin------
I was arrival Harbin in 4pm. And my friends in Harbin picked me up at the airport. We planed to stay 1 night in Harbin and then go to Yabuli Ski Resort in the next day. So firstly, let’s see this famous small eastern Paris in the world.

Walked on the Songhua River bank, the river had already frozen. So it became a park for snow activities. Although the walked along the bank made me feel cold, the scene I saw there was energetic.

The snow carvings in Sun Island in Harbin. It was a work mixed both the beauty of the nature and the human being’s intelligence. 

At night, with guided by my friend, we came to the Central Avenue which was titled as the most prosperous commercial pedestrian in Northeastern China. Connected with a memorial square in the norther, Central Avenue was built by granite. This landmark was began to build in 1900. There were 71 buildings decoration in European styles. When walked in this pedestrian, visitors could find the European cultural development history.

------Day 2 Harbin to Yabuli------
We chose train between Harbin and Yabuli, for both to save money and see the snow scenery along the railway. The transporting time is about 3hrs.

 It was very convenient to get to our hostel because the hostel offers the free transfer service for us.
The hostel we stayed in Yabuli

Yabuli Ski Resort
For people who are the first time to ski, a ski coach is necessary. And in this ski, each coach can teach at most 5 students, no more but can less, pay by hours. I can’t remember about the charge. The coaches here wear orange cloth.

Because we were beginners, so we needed to practice on a gentle slope firstly. Aimed to have an exciting experience, I decided to have a try to ski on a slope for medium level skier. When I was arrival the top of the slope by cable way, I was dumbfounded. There were also many beginners to try this slope. But most of them were failed and rolled down the slope.

But for me, I wanted to have a try even I also rolled down the slope for my first time. After so many times failures, I gradually got some tips of skiing. We spent 3 hours in the ski resort, but finally were still could not get a successful skiing from the medium level slop. But we were glad to have a wonderful experience in this place.

------Day 3 Yabuli to Harbin------
In our original plan, we decided to back to Harbin after a good sleep in Yabuli resort. But when we woke up in the morning, my friend suggested to have a visit to Yabuli Guandong (Northeast China) Hall. The place was a scene which had been shot in many TV series. 

Just paid a short visit here and then went to the train station back to Harbin directly.

Now I am back to southern China, but the snow world could not be erase. After this tour, I think I’m fall in love with the snow scenery of norther China. It is really a fairy land during the winter month.

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Sophie Huang

Sophie Huang

Position:Sales Manager

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