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FAQ on 15-day Visa-Free Entry Policy

To facilitate tourism for foreign nationals, China has decided to expand the range of countries eligible for unilateral 15-day visa-free entry. It applies to passport holders from 11 European countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourgand and Malaysia. The validity period of this policy has also been extended to the end of 2025, that means individuals from these countries can enter China before the year of 2025 without a visa for purposes such as business, tourism, visiting relatives, or transit, for up to 15 days. Here are some FAQ on 15-day visa-free entry policy: 

1. Do tourists need to pre-declare their visit to China through Chinese embassies or consulates?

No, tourists from the six countries mentioned above do not need to pre-declare their visit to China.

2. How do Chinese border inspection authorities check the purpose of entry? Do I need to carry other materials besides passport when entering?

  • Foreigners must have a valid reason for visiting China that aligns with the visa-free policy, such as business, tourism, family visits, or transit. 
  • It is advisable to carry supporting documents such as invitation letters, flight tickets, and hotel reservations. Those coming for work, study, or journalism are not covered by the visa-free policy.

3. Are there any special requirements for minors to apply visa-free policy to China?

The conditions for minors entering China under the visa-free policy are the same as for adults.

4. What are the requirements for entry documents and their validity?

  • Valid ordinary passports are required.
  • Other documents (such as travel certificates or emergency passports) are not eligible for visa-free entry.

5. How is the 15-day stay period calculated?

Visa-free travelers can stay continuously until 24:00 on the 15th natural day from the date of entry.

6. Can travelers depart from non-national countries?

Visa-free travelers can depart from any country outside China.

7. Does it apply to other modes of entry other than air?

The unilateral visa-free policy applies to all open ports (sea, land, air), except where laws, regulations, or bilateral agreements state otherwise. Those arriving in private vehicles must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.

8. Can tour groups benefit from visa-free entry?

Yes, both individuals and members of tour groups who meet the visa-free conditions can enter China without a visa.

9. If the stay in China exceeds 15 days, is it possible to apply for an extension?

  • If a foreigner plans to stay in China for more than 15 days, they should obtain a visa from the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad
  • If, after entering China under the visa-free policy, there is a legitimate and justifiable reason to continue staying in China, they should apply to the public security authorities for a residence permit

10. Is it possible to enter China multiple times? Are there restrictions on the number of visa-free entries or total stay days?

  • Travelers who meet the visa-free conditions can enter China multiple times under this policy.
  • Currently, there are no restrictions on the number of visa-free entries or total stay days, but travelers must not engage in activities inconsistent with their stated purpose of entry.