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Kashgar Railway Station

Kashgar Railway Station is located in Kashgar City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Built in 1999, it is 1446 km from Turpan Railway Station. It is under the Urumqi Railway Bureau the jurisdiction of the Southern Xinjiang Railway Pro Management Office. Now it is the first grade station. Passenger Transportation: Passenger drop; luggage, parcels consignment. Freight: carload freight. Kashgar is the southern terminus of the South Xinjiang Railway; Kashgar railway station is about 5 km from the downtown. It has trains to Urumqi every day.
Kashgar is located at southern Xinjiang, with a total area of ​​141,600 square kilometers, population 2.95 million people. It is one of historical and cultural city in China, known as the splendid pearl of the ancient Silk Road.

Basic Information of Kashgar Railway Station

English Name:
Kashgar Railway Station
Chinese Name:
Kashgar City, 1446 km from Turpan Railway Station
Level of the Station:
First Grade Station
Urumqi Railway Bureau in the Southern Xinjiang Railway.
Passenger Transportation:
Passenger drop; luggage, parcels consignment
carload freight

Trains Schedule of Kashgar Railway Station

Departure Station: Urumqi Railway Station
Train No.
Arrival tation
Departure Time
Arrival Time
14:18 (+1day)
14:39 (+1day)
22:06 (+1day)
18:35 (+1day)

Tips for Travelling by Train

1, Take care of your personal property, if possible do not carry large amounts of cash on the train. Keep valuables in your carry bag, and put the bag before your chest. When waiting for the train and getting on, try to put your hand on top or on the bag zipper (buttons). At seat, then put the bag on lap or before your chest, to prevent theft. Rest at night put my bag on the inside of your seat. Baggage should be placed in a place within sight.
2. Prepare small change. Buy lunch or shopping in the train, do not count money but use the money prepared in advance.
3. Be vigilant. Best sleep at night in shifts with your companion. When the train stops by the stations, the flow of people increased, pay attention to your luggage, to prevent pilfering.
Related Information:
►More about Transportation: Kashgar Transportation
►More Travel Information: Kashgar Travel Guide