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How to Get to Dunhuang from Jiayuguang


Where is Dunhuang?

Dunhuang, a national historical and cultural city, is a node city of the old Silk Road and located at the western end of the Hexi Corridor. It is in Gansu Province in northwest of China, near the common boundary of Gansu Province, Qinghai Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Dunhuang is mostly well-known for its Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang Murals, Yangguan Pass and Jade Gate Pass. Also, Dunhuang is near to Jiayuguan and Zhanye too.


How to get to Dunhuang from Jiayuguan?

The distance between Jiayuguan and Dunhuang is about 430 kilometers. Normally, people take train or bus as the transport means to travel between the two cities.

By Train

Taking the train is the cheapest and most convenient way to get to Dunhuang from Jiayuguan. There are six trains departing from Jianyuguang to Dunhuang every day. One can get on the train at Jiayuguan Train Station(嘉峪关火车站) and get off at Dunhuang Train Station(敦煌火车站). But it usually departs at late night or in the early morning. And the journey on the trains takes about 4h29m to 5h54m, depending on different trains.

Below is a train schedule from Jiayuguan to Dunhuang

Train Code Depart Arrive Duration Advanced Soft Couchette Soft Couchette Standard Couchette Hard Seat
Y667 01:47 06:30 4h43m 273.5 RMB 152.5 RMB 99.5 RMB -
K9667 02:44 07:13 4h29m - 152.5 RMB 99.5 RMB 53.5 RMB
K367 04:07 08:38 4h31m - 152.5 RMB 99.5 RMB 53.5 RMB
K5673 04:22 09:06 4h44m - 152.5 RMB 99.5 RMB 53.5 RMB
K41 07:16 12:20 5h4m - 152.5 RMB 99.5 RMB 53.5 RMB
7535 08:15 14:09 5h54m - - - 22.5 RMB

The Train 7535 seems to depart at a reasonable time, but it is a green train, which means the condition on the train is not so good. So, we do not recommend to take this train. The other trains starting with Y and K is much better regard as the conditions on the train, so they charge higher than Train 7535.

By Bus

By Direct Coach

There are only five direct buses/coaches leaving for Dunhuang from Jiayuguan every day. The buses/coaches can be caught at Jiayuguang Bus Station and they depart at 9:00, 10:30, 11:30, 14:30 and 15:30 only. The journey takes about 4 hours and the cost is 85 yuan. You can choose the appropriate time based on your itinerary.

By Transfer Bus

If you miss the direct buses/coaches from Jiayuguan to Dunhuang, you may want to go by a transfer way. One can take a bus from Jiayuguan to Jiuquan City first, then transfer to bus from Jiuquan to get to Dunhuang. This can work too. There are a lot of buses between Jiayuguan and Jiuquan every day, usually departs every 30 minutes.

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